CA Transparency


Last updated: Aug 14, 2023

Caskie Goods LLC. ("Casky"), as required by the California Transparency Supply Chain Act, discloses its efforts to mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain, as follows:

Casky, through third parties assesses its direct supply chain for risks, including slavery and human trafficking. Suppliers of Casky products must comply with the Casky Ethical Issues Policy which prohibits suppliers from using forced labor in any form. Casky, through independent third party audit companies, conducts announced and unannounced audits of suppliers with regard to compliance with the policy and local laws, including the prohibition on slavery and human trafficking. In addition, suppliers certify that they are in compliance with the laws in the countries where the suppliers operate. Suppliers who are in violation of the policy and local laws are subject to corrective action plans or termination. Casky trains its employees who have responsibility for its direct supply chain on the policy, including the prohibition on slavery and human trafficking and ways to mitigate this risk.